The J1:27 Podcast
This is a podcast by men for men to provide them with insight into what it is truly like to live in the calling found in James 1:27, which is the root of orphan care. Our vision is to encourage and motivate men worldwide to get involved in the incredible need that is orphan care. Let's join together to build the future and restore the past one child at a time.
The J1:27 Podcast
The Table of Accountability
In this week's episode, Deon explains the importance of the table of accountability in the journey of orphan care. This episode is based on chapter 7 of "World Needs a Father," written by Cassie Carstens. I hope you are encouraged by this week's episode.
Linked below is a PDF of the Table of Support visual presented in the book.
Follow on Instagram: @thej127pod
Email for new episode suggestions or questions: j127@greenwood1.net